About Us

If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place. Continue reading to learn how we became one of the most authentic and greatest communities in Singapore


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About Us

Founded in 2015, the Business Development Society (Singapore) began as a platform to connect, support and empower entrepreneurs and small business owners who are seeking ways to grow their business by helping them enlarge their networks, build meaningful long-term relationships, and expand their professional capabilities.

Our Mission

To build and promote a vibrant, authentic and mutually-supportive SME community by empowering businesses with practical solutions.

Our Vision

To equip and inspire entrepreneurs around the world to positively impact and change the world through business and entrepreneurship


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Our story

Business Development Society was founded in 2015 by serial-entrepreneur and influence coach Gary Guwe. Headhunted by an American MNC to work with sales leaders in 2012, Gary returned to full-time entrepreneurship in 2014 and began actively attending networking events to grow his business. He soon realized many small-businesses owners were ill-equipped in promoting their business, and event organizers were not addressing a critical and obvious need in supporting entrepreneurs in their journeys. He decided to create his own community, to marry networking and professional growth to support small businesses in their growth.

Gunes first joined a networking event in June 2016 but she liked Gary’s vision for the group a lot and kept coming back.

After some time, they started organizing the events together. After a year of organizing events, they decided to work together as well. In the meantime you are reading this text, they are probably working too hard to grow this community and waiting for your support. Learn how you can support the BDS community.

Business Development Society